U.S. Patent Application Drafting

A high-quality first draft gives your patent application the best chance for expedited approval and market placement.
  • U.S. Patent Application Drafting
  • Quality Control Focused
  • Streamlined Process

The timing of your patent application approval can be the difference between success and failure in the marketplace. Getting your application draft right the first time is critical as most countries follow a first-to-file system and a delay in filing can result in not being able to obtain a patent. Zodiac Patent ensures quick and accurate turnaround times by following a tested and proven process that is defined by a communication system with the inventor and attorney. The result is your patent application passes through each checkpoint without delay.

Zodiac Patent Application Drafting Process

  1. Invention Disclosure
    We receive your invention disclosure documents
  2. Interview
    We conduct interview with counsel and inventors
  3. Draft Plan
    We share proposed claims and figures with counsel
  4. First Draft
    We share feedback with counsel and inventors
  5. Revised Draft(s)
    We incorporate feedback from counsel and inventors
  6. Finalized Patent
    We share finalized patent application draft with counsel

Zodiac Patent customizes the drafting process to fit your filing jurisdiction and guidelines for your organization. We work closely with your attorneys to understand their processes and preferences. We also capture and record your preferences to streamline future patent application drafting as needed.

All drawings are created by us from scratch following the USPTO guidelines. These drawings could be circuit diagrams, block diagrams, flowchart or flow diagrams, and others based on our suggestions and client’s instructions. We can also improve or enhance a given drawing and incorporate it in the detailed description.

Zodiac Patent understands that just because a patent application is approved it is worthless if not enforceable when the need arises. Zodiac Patent plans for the future and writes patent applications that survive minor adjustments and technological advancements. In addition, because our major focus is quality control, your application has a greater chance of avoiding multiple office actions and rejections.