Contact Zodiac Patent

We solve the number one issue with U.S. Patents
  • U.S. Patent Quality Control Checks
  • U.S. Patent Application Drafting
  • U.S. Patent Litigation Support

The Zodiac Patent Analytics Team is ready to support your U.S. Patent needs. Whether you want to expedite your application with quality control, need quality-focused drafting, or support for patent litigation, our team of U.S. Patent quality experts can help.

Zodiac Patent is always open to adding high motivation, tech-savvy, individuals to the team. If that sounds like you, go ahead and contact us.

US Contact:
+1-206 590 3561
India Contact:
701, 3rd Phase, Gokulam,
Mysore, Karnataka, India,
Zip Code - 570002
Tel: +91-861 858 8733